Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Event, 9/15: Betsy Street and Steve Bigaj present on "Social Bookmarking"

From Jenny Darrow, Director of Academic Technology:

Social Bookmarking: A personal and group organization tool

Social bookmarking sites such as Delicious are powerful web 2.0 applications used for storing, sharing, and discovering web sites. We all know that finding valuable web resources takes time and it can be difficult to organize sites in manner in which they can be used at a later date. Delicious is a social bookmarking website (very different from a social networking site like Facebook) where the real utility comes when users find creative ways to leverage the collaborative nature of the web to build a community of practice. Join Betsy Street and Steve Bigaj as they discuss how they conceptualized and organized a Delicious site to share resources across the state for the Monadnock Center for Successful Transitions (MCST).

Date: Tuesday 9/15/09
Time: Noon
Location: Student Center 309

We hope to see you there!


  1. Glad to see this idea taking root!

    I would love to see these kinds of events showing up in iCalendar feeds that enable a similar kind of collaborative sharing and discovery.

  2. Hey Jon -- we actually do have a Google Calendar for this, but I'm a little worried about sharing it too widely outside of campus... most events are for the benefit of faculty, staff and students. This is a weird one -- it's really meant for faculty and staff, but I can see where it would be more generally useful.

    Let me ask around how many open events we are doing, and if there is more than one or two we could maybe separate out the calendars. Or maybe the solution would be to share the feed with you but have it marked KSC Community only?

    I think we also have to think about whether we want to make more events more open -- we usually don't hit capacity on these -- but I suppose there is a worry that non-KSC people's questions might cut into the time faculty and staff have to ask questions...lots to think about.

  3. > we actually do have a Google Calendar for
    > this, but I'm a little worried about
    > sharing it too widely outside of campus...

    Your campus stuff needn't be syndicated into the Keene hub. You could spin up a KSC hub, as is now happening at Langara College. And it could even mix your own campus-only feeds with any local ones you wanted to include from the Keene hub's registry.

    > I think we also have to think about whether
    > we want to make more events more open -- we
    > usually don't hit capacity on these

    That'd be nice!


If you don't have a Google, Live Journal, or Typepad Account, select the Name/URL option in the dropdown and type your name (you can leave the URL blank).

It will require you to complete one of those letter recognition thingies, and your comment will go up immediately.