Friday, September 4, 2009

Games and Simulations

We are seeing a number of faculty experimenting with designing games and simulations this semester, in some very exciting ways.

It's probably to early to go into what those experiments entail, although many are quite ambitious. But it's not too early to make a plea -- if you use games or simulations in your class to make learning seem more "real", please let us know. We'd love to share your activity with others on campus.

One of the things we're hoping to get a chance to walk through over at CELT when we get 10 free minutes in a row is this new version of the "Real Lives" simulation, a tool that's supposed to give students a global perspective by walking them through a simulation of life in foreign countries. You can see a demo here:

Has anyone out there used this before? Any reactions to it? Is it worth exploring? Would you recommend it to other faculty?

And if you haven't used it, are you interested in trying out the demo and letting us know what you think about it?

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