Thursday, October 15, 2009

Managing Student Advising with Google Forms

Education professor Jason Endacott has found a simple yet highly effective way to manage student advising sign-ups by using Google Forms. Meeting with 60 advisees was time consuming enough but add to it scheduling and communication management, he found that his time was getting consumed by mundane tasks. To free up his time and to make it easier for his students to schedule meetings Jason embedded a Google Form into his web site. Students could easily sign-up for available advising slots and Jason no longer had to be bogged down with managing schedules and email confirmations. In this 4:335 minute video Jason discusses how he uses Google Forms and the benefits to his students.

If you're interested in learning how to use Google Forms or other Google Applications, let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can really see applications for Google Forms for our assessment work. Thanks!


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