Thursday, August 20, 2009

Google Apps for Education Event Recap

Fifteen faculty, staff, and students turned out for a CELT sponsored webinar on the use of Google Apps in the classroom on August 5, 2009.

The seminar was purchased through a third party, and in general the reaction of the attendees to the material was good, with most attendees saying they panned to use some piece of Google Apps in their practice. However, most attendees felt the seminar could have been better, and would have liked to see the seminar focus on dealing with classroom specific issues, such as student permissions, innovative pedagogy, and ways Google Apps could be used for student collaboration.

We will be running at least one more seminar on Google Apps this semester, and will try to make sure our next seminar, whether purchased or produced in-house, addresses these issues more fully.

Don't know what Google Apps for Education is? We'd love to show you what is is, and how others on campus are using it change their practice. Stop by CELT in Rhodes hall, or email or to set up an appointment to talk about using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.

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